Updated July 15, 2024

  • Two phases before becoming live funded (evaluation & Sim Funded)

  • Minimum 5 trading days in evaluation, and minimum 10 days in sim funded.

  • Reach profit target in evaluation and lower profit target in sim funded to move to live account.

  • Two types of drawdown accounts: Intraday live trailing and End Of Day. Account balance must be maintained above drawdown balance at any time.

  • Do not exceed the maximum number of contracts for each trade

  • In End Of Day drawdown accounts crossing the daily loss limit shuts trading for the day. Can resume trading the next day.

  • Must close orders /positions before 4:45 p.m. EST, New York. System automatically liquidates all open positions at that time

  • You can trade during news in evaluation, sim funded and live account

Beginner Accounts (10k, 25k) have three phases before becoming funded. EOD drawdown with daily loss limit. Reach the same profit target twice in 2 evaluation steps trading a minimum of 5 days in each step. Then reach lower profit target in sim funded before moving to live funded. Profits from sim funded are carried to live account.

Two phases for other accounts: Reach profit target in evaluation, then reach lower profit target in sim funded before moving to live funded. Profits from sim funded are carried to live account.

  • EOD Accounts with daily loss limit: 50k, 100k

  • Live trailing drawdown accounts: 100k Pro and 100k Fast Track (valid for 15 days only). Traders can request for a daily loss limit in these accounts. In 100k Pro sim funded account, you have to make $200 in profits for 5 days out of 10 minimum days required

Free reset of failed evaluation account on renewal. Immediate reset for $99. Some traders can get a reset of sim funded account

Only 1 live funded account

Trading Platform: Ninja Trader or Tradovate (TradingView)

Purdia works very closely with traders than any other prop firm (refer Purdia)

Caution / Prohibited: Using automated systems, bots, trade copiers

  • One time fee of $130. No market data fees.

  • Drawdown stops trailing at initial balance plus 100. Since you move the profits from sim funded account, your profits become your drawdown

  • There are daily loss limits in all accounts, which is equivalent to 33% of max drawdown. Crossing the daily loss limit shuts trading for the day. Can resume trading the next day. Traders can get a custom daily loss limit and also request daily profit trigger and trailing drawdown to secure profits

  • Scaling: When you begin, the maximum number contracts you could trade are limited to 50% available in evaluation. Later with every $1000 profits accumulated, you get to trade an extra mini

  • Traders are assigned a risk manager, and you are expected to be in communication with the risk manager

  • Request payout anytime.

  • Payouts are processed within 24 hours and paid out through bank transfer or PayPal

  • Minimum request $100/$250. No maximum cap

  • Profit split is 70/30, with 70% for trader. Later the profit split can be increased up to 90/10 on fulfilling their criteria

  • Exception: Profit split for 100k Pro account is 90/10

  • Resets possible for some traders

  • Live funding after passing evaluation and sim funded

  • No payout restrictions in live funded

  • Static drawdown in live account from the start

  • Access to risk manager in live funded

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